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Deerhound Club Limited Show (Southern) 2022 Critique

I would like to thank the Deerhound Club for inviting me to judge at such a prestigious show for the club. As well as organising a very well managed show, the committee even arranged perfect weather! My thanks go to my stewards, Torsten and Sam, for keeping everything running smoothly and to everyone in the kitchen who provided fantastic lunch and endless tea. I very much enjoyed my day.

Puppy Dog (entries: 5, absent:1)

1. Quantistico Guiseppe To Kilbourne (Mr M & Mrs G Peach)

Well constructed puppy that moved beautifully for one so young, at seven months. Lovely shaped head with neatly rosed ears and super dark eyes, giving the typical soft Deerhound expression. Nicely muscled neck and strong forechest. Well balanced with good angulation front and rear. Best Puppy Dog

2. Claonaiglen Artney (Mrs S & Mr S Cummings)

Nine-month-old male of heavier build than winner. Strong neck and prominent fore chest. When he settled, he moved quite well in profile – although not as easy as 1. However, he was not so smooth in his rear action. I’m sure this will improve as he matures and builds more muscle throughout. Lovely friendly temperament.

Junior Dog (entries: 2, absent:1)

1. Neroche Kielder (Mrs J Wragg)

A nicely constructed dog, who was very much enjoying his day out, making it difficult to assess his movement today. When he relaxed, his profile was beautifully balanced with a strong, well angled front. There was good muscling in the loin and nice length from hip to hock. A really lovely masculine dog, without any coarseness.

Special Beginners Dog (entries: 3, absent: 1)

1. Ehlaradawn Campion (Mr M & Mrs S Clement)

A masculine, almost three-year-old dog with lovely dark eyes and good strength in the front construction. I would prefer a little more length and rise over the loin, however he presented a pleasing outline when he stood still. He was a reluctant mover, mostly pacing. In the brief period he didn’t pace, his movement was good with a nice long stride.

2. Balgaled Mabon (Miss D Way)

Raw, eight-month-old novice, who was having great fun at his first show, but didn’t make things easy for his handler. Good head with high set, dark, rosed ears. Nice rise over the loin and good musculature in the rear. Unfortunately, he was determined to pace on the move. Chest needs to drop and fill out, which I’m sure will happen in time as he matures.

Special Yearling Dog (entries: 1, absent: 0)

1. Hyndsight Talk On The Street (Miss S Finnett & Dr N Heathcote)

Strong, masculine dog with a very pleasing outline, showing substance and bone with curves. Good, deep chest. Nice length from hip to hock with lovely broad hind quarters. Well muscled throughout. His movement was rather erratic to start but once settled, he showed a beautiful easy stride in profile, coming and going. Reserve Best Dog.

Undergraduate Dog (entries: 2, absent: 0)

1. Hyndsight Blades To The Wind (Miss S Finnett & Dr N Heathcote)

Good looking young dog, rather unsettled today. Good deep chest and lovely front angulation. Rear angulation seems slightly exaggerated at the moment, made more noticeable when he kept trying to drop his hips. Movement improved as he gained confidence in the ring.

2. Kaleginy Trubador (Mrs S & Mr S Cummings)

Slightly less bone and substance than my first, however everything was in proportion. Nice masculine head with high set, beautifully folded ears. Good depth of chest. Moved nicely from the front and in profile, but tends to ring his tail. Not so smooth in the rear action.

Postgraduate Dog (entries: 1, absent: 1)

Open Dog (entries: 4, absent: 0)

1. Kirjojax Harris (Mrs J Wilce-Quinton & Mr R Quinton)

A very handsome masculine dog, without coarseness, who looks and feels like he could do a day’s work. Presented well, with lovely harsh coat and super muscle tone throughout. Ideally, I would have preferred a little more angulation, front and rear. He demonstrated lovely flowing curves throughout and particularly excelled in his movement, with an easy long stride and holding his top line. As good coming and going and he was in profile. Won Best Dog on his effortless movement. Reserve Best in Show.

2. Greyhawks Romanie Mishto Of Luckhurst (Mr A & Mrs V Lewis)

Lovely outline with good balance and proportions. Particularly good head with high set ears, aquiline nose and facial furnishings, giving the very attractive faraway look. Deep chest, strong loin and nice wide hips. When he moves well, he looks very good – unfortunately he did want to pace today, which made him throw his hindlegs out to the sides.

Veteran Dog (entries: 0)

1. Quantistico Lucia To Kilbourne (Mr M & Mrs G Peach)

Eight-month-old puppy. Considering her confidence and showmanship in the ring, I was surprised to learn this was her first time away from her home environment. I was immediately impressed with her outline and proportions. Nice rise over the loin and good length from hip to hock. Very elegant, with good bone and strong muscle throughout. Moved very well with a lovely light, easy action. Best Puppy Bitch. Won Best Puppy on her super proportions.

2. Kilbourne Opal's Fire To Abayomi (Cannon & Wickstead, Mr M, Miss F & Miss D)

A good-looking puppy, who excelled in her movement, showing a nice long stride around the ring. However, I preferred the topline and balance of my winner. Lovely head and expression. Strong neck of correct length and good fore chest. Well muscled first and second thigh. Really nicely knuckled and compact feet.

Junior Bitch (entries: 3, absent: 0)

1. Beardswood Gille's Whisper (Dr S Helps)

Very good looking, harsh coated, bitch who caught my eye as soon as she entered the ring. She gives an immediate impression of strength and power, together with femininity, which was confirmed when I went over her. Very nicely muscled throughout. Well angulated front and rear, with lovely width across the hips. Very balanced outline and effortless movement. Reserve Best Bitch

2. Ehlaradawn Lore (Mrs E Barter)

High set, neatly folded ears, giving a lovely expression. Good harsh coat. Strong loin, although I felt it rose a little early. Powerful hindquarters with well developed first and second thighs, and nice wide hips. I preferred the movement of my first.

Special Beginners Bitch (entries: 2, absent: 1)

1. Kenaiteen Greydeer Girl (Miss D Way)

A very friendly bitch, with a lovely temperament. I liked her head with high set neat ears, dark eyes, and full facial furnishings. Her profile was reasonable; however, I would have preferred a little more length in the loin. Unfortunately, when on the move, she paced most of the time. During the brief time that she didn’t pace, her movement appeared satisfactory.

Special Yearling Bitch (entries: 3, absent: 0)

1. Hyndsight All I Have To Do Is (Miss S Finnett & Dr N Heathcote)

Initially quite unsettled, but once she relaxed her movement was very attractive – easy and active. Lovely length of body, giving a pleasing outline and balance. Good shoulder angulation and width of bone. Powerful quarters, good length from hip to hock and neat feet.

2. Kilbourne Flora McDeva (Mr M & Mrs G Peach)

Well made front with good width of bone. Lovely arch over a strongly muscled loin and gently sloping croup. I would have liked a little more depth of chest. Good length from hip to hock. Feet rather flat. Nice easy movement in profile, covering a lot of ground and holding her topline. Very well presented.

Undergraduate Bitch (entries: 6, absent: 2)

1. Hyndsight Blowin In The Wind (Miss S Finnett & Dr N Heathcote)

Another who needed a little time to settle. Lovely head with correct ear carriage, gentle aquiline nose, good moustache and beard. I would prefer a little less length in the neck; however, it was very strong, with good muscle. Good length of loin and nice rise. Super crisp coat. Movement was quite erratic to start but significantly improved as she gained confidence.

2. Hyndsight Dixon (A.I) (Mr A & Mrs S Nitsch)

Not as well developed as my first, but a nice bitch that needs a little time to mature fully. Lovely head with beautiful dark eyes. She would benefit from a little more plucking of the ears to fully show off how neat and well folded they are. I liked her deep chest, topline and nicely sloping croup. Her movement was good, but I would like her to have more muscle tone throughout.

Postgraduate Bitch (entries: 7, absent: 3)

1. Packway Ecotrailer (Miss R V Lucas & Mr C Dargonne)

A young bitch, not fully mature at just 2 years old, but still a very pleasing outline. A series of curves from the tip of her aquiline nose, over a strong loin to her drooping hindquarters. Lovely deep chest, with good front construction. Moved very well, particularly in profile. By far the best muscle tone and overall feeling of strength, in this class.

2. Kilbourne Queen Mary At Mirzabad (Mrs H Bruton & Mrs J Dove)

Very pretty, silver coloured girl. Particularly nice, feminine head with all the furnishings, good eye colour and lovely gentle expression. I would have preferred her feet to be a little more compact. Her movement was reasonable, but sadly lacked much enthusiasm or drive today.

Open Bitch (entries: 6, absent: 1)

1. Packway Smackfarthing (Miss R V Lucas & Mr C Dargonne)

Beautiful type, shape and balance. Very curvaceous from front to back. Good chest and front angulation. Nice rise over the loin, with powerful drooping hindquarters and strong first and second thigh. Her movement around the ring was easy and light, lovely to watch. Her combination of beautiful femininity with strength and power, gave the impression that she could do the job that a Deerhound was bred for. Pleased to award her Best Bitch and Best in Show

2. Hyndsight Fields Of Gold (Mr M, Mrs R & Mr A Paisey)

Very attractive silver coloured bitch, with a good harsh full coat. Nice deep chest, soft rise over the loin to sloping croup. I would have preferred a little more muscle tone throughout. Really pretty head (best of the day), elegant shape, good dark eye with lovely moustache and beard. She was obviously enjoying her turn around the ring, not always making her handlers job easy, but good profile movement when settled.

Veteran Bitch (entries: 0)

Sue Spring-Arnold